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Schedule of Upcoming SPUDS Events

THURSDAY August 1, 2024

8:00 - 10:30PM

Fearless Leaders:  Bob Pollack and Enid Diamante

Tunes for our next gig are HERE!

Commodore Barry Club / The Irish Center
6815 Emlen St., Philadelphia, PA 19119
For more information about the dance and COVID protocols: website

Join the SPUDS Mailing List to get the details right in your mailbox!

THURSDAY October 3, 2024
(This date may change - stay tuned)

8:00 - 10:30PM

Fearless Leaders:  TBD
Commodore Barry Club / The Irish Center

THURSDAY November 14, 2024
8:00 - 10:30PM

Fearless Leaders: Enid Diamante and Judy Kleppel
Commodore Barry Club / The Irish Center




We have ended our regular online tune swaps, but hope to have occasional special online meet-ups.

Join the SPUDS Google Group Mailing List to be notified of online events.

Our Tune swaps have been great fun!
During the pandemic we met approximately every month on zoom to share tunes, chat, and keep our little music community connected. Because it’s zoom, only one household could play at a time (with everyone else muted), so it was more of a tune swap than a jam. And because a lot of people in SPUDS like to play from sheet music, we asked folks who are willing to share a tune over zoom to send it to us ahead of time so we could distribute the sheet music before the session. Each session had some kind of theme to spark ideas, but we weren’t particularly rigid about sticking to the theme. The result, besides loads of laughter, camaraderie, and staying connected to friends, is and an archive of the over 800 tunes we shared over the three years.